Cite Internationale Universitaire De Paris
  • {{ans.getLocaleDescription(language)}}

    {{ (ans.isPassword) ? getHiddenValue(ans.answerLabel) : ans.answerLabel}}

    {{ (ans.isPassword) ? getHiddenValue(ans.answer) : ans.answer}}

Important note: if you edit this step, the questionnaire will be restarted to this point. Press cancel if you dont want to edit the questionnaire.

Further questions from the Residences

Please answer precisely to all of these questions.

You have completed the questionnaire.

Before you can validate it, you must submit certain attachments.

The attachments requested with an are compulsory and the others optional, but they may be requested from you at a later date.
You can also add any element you deem useful to bring to the attention of the admission commissions.
You must upload this document to continue


I hereby certify that the details furnished in the application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

In case any of the information provided is found to be false, untrue or misleading, I am aware that my application will be cancelled automatically.

Before validating your form, we invite you to verify all the information by going back over the tabs above,
To validate your application, please click on "Save application and submit".

You shall be receiving an email confirming the receipt of your application shortly.

Submitting application, please wait...

Your application has been submitted

Thank you for applying to the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris.

Your registration will be confirmed by e-mail. You will now be redirected to the CIUP site.

Ops!, some error occurred.

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